Problem in Married Life

Problem in Married Life – Planet are Responsible for Marriage Issues

Marriage has been considered as one of our traditional sixteen sacraments. When children enter youth from adolescence, then their parents start worrying about their marriage. When a person becomes an adult then he needs a good life partner to get adjusted in the social structure and it is also necessary for the completeness of life. But it is not necessary that everything happens at the right time in our life, in this your luck also plays an important role.

Role of Planets Behind Marital Problems

According to Vedic astrology, your birth chart is the reflection of your destiny because the planets present in the horoscope reflect the karmic energy of your previous births. Where the married life of many people passes peacefully and happily, there are some people who always have tension and problem in married life. In the life of such people, there is always mutual debate or discord about one or the other thing. This is actually due to some special planetary combinations present in the horoscopes of these people.

According to Vedic astrology, we get a good or bad life partner in this birth only according to the good and bad deeds done in the previous birth. According to our past deeds, our married life becomes sad or happy. In the janam kundli, the idea of marriage is mainly done from the seventh house. Information about marital relationship, marital happiness and sorrow, nature and personality of life partner and long term relationship is obtained from this house. Apart from the seventh house, the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses also play an important role in marital matters because these houses are helpful and complementary to the seventh house in the context of marriage.

Marital problems may arise in your life due to the following astrological combinations:

  • If any of the malefic planets Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu are present in the seventh house of birth chart or if any of these planets have an aspect on the seventh house, then there can be problems in married life.
  • If a malefic planet is situated in a debilitated sign in the seventh house, then there can be problems in married life.
  • Even if the seventh house is in the Rahu-Ketu axis, problems can arise in married life.
  • If the seventh house is in Paap Kartari Yoga, that is, malefic planets are present both in front and behind the seventh house, then problems can arise in married life.
  • If Saptamesh is located in trik houses (6,8,12 house) then married life can be sad.
  • If Saptamesh is located in a debilitated sign, married life can be troublesome.
  • If Venus in a man’s horoscope and Jupiter in a woman’s horoscope are in a low, set or weak state, then there can be problems in married life.
  • If the seventh lord, Jupiter and Venus are afflicted or weak in the Navamsha Kundli, then married life can be difficult.

If you want to know more about marriage prediction then download our Karma Astro App available in Android and iOS at play store.