
Importance of Horoscope Matching before Marriage

In India, Kundali Milan (horoscope matching) is crucial in finalizing marriage prospects. It is a traditional approach, especially in Hindu society, where families analyze important factors and follow rituals before accepting a marriage proposal.

Kundli matching, also called Kundali Milan, is a traditional practice in India, especially in Hindu culture. It’s done before marriage to check if the prospective bride and groom are compatible.

An astrologer studies their birth charts, which show the positions of planets and stars at their birth time. The astrologer compares these charts to assess their compatibility for a happy married life. They look at factors like emotional connection, physical attraction, financial stability, and family background.

The astrologer assigns “gunas” points based on how well the charts match. The maximum score is 36, and a higher score indicates better compatibility. They also check for any negative influences called Kundli Doshas and may suggest remedies to minimize their effects on the marriage.

While many people believe in Kundli matching and find it important, others may need to give it more importance. The decision to follow Kundli matching depends on personal beliefs and cultural traditions.

Importance of kundali Matching

The astrologers carefully study the birth charts of the bride and groom to determine their marriage compatibility. They consider factors like planetary periods and gunas (qualities) to provide an astrological guide for Kundali Milan. Astrology offers remedies to address potential issues if any malefic planets are found.

Matching the kundalis helps determine if the couple’s life will be happy and successful. The process involves matching 36 gunas or qualities to assess overall compatibility. Any problems in the gunas can be addressed with astrological remedies.

Besides compatibility, Kundali matching also looks into aspects like happiness, health, and childbirth prospects. It evaluates physical and mental compatibility, behavioural patterns, interests, attitudes, and physical attraction between the couple.

Kundali Milan also considers the timing and positioning of stars to identify potential negative effects and suggest remedies to minimize them.

Financial stability and career prospects are also examined, as Vedic astrology believes that planetary movements after marriage can impact both partners’ lives.

Is Kundli Matching Important for Love Marriage

In love marriages, some people may wonder if Kundali matching is necessary. It’s not a strict rule, but many still consider it to understand possible challenges and compatibility. Even though two people in love know each other well, Kundali matching can reveal potential issues in marriage, like divorce, cheating, or childbearing.

Sometimes, love can fade after marriage. In astrology, the 5th house in the birth chart represents love relations, while the 7th house shows married life. Even if someone had a good love life (5th house), if their 7th house indicates problems, their marriage might be troublesome. So, matching Kundlis in love marriages helps understand how happy their married life will be as husband and wife, not just as lovers.

Is it OK to Marry if Horoscope doesn’t Match

In recent times, some couples are not interested in Kundli matching, considering it an unclear tradition. Surprisingly, many of these couples can still make their relationship work, even if their horoscopes don’t match perfectly. However, we can’t ignore that divorce cases in India are increasing, often due to compatibility issues.

People often misunderstand Kundli Milan. Some worry that if their horoscopes don’t match well, it might concern their parents and affect their marriage plans. But that’s not true. If two people truly love each other, no mismatch in their horoscopes can stop them from getting married. Kundli matching can help identify potential challenges, like Doshas, and offer remedies to lessen their negative effects.

In cases where the horoscopes don’t match perfectly, an astrologer may suggest solutions to mitigate any negative effects.

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