Delay in Marriage from Birth Chart

Know Reason for Delay in Marriage from Birth Chart

Marriage is an important aspect of our life. Through marriage we get a partner with whom we can share the joys and sorrows of our life. Astrology can play a very important role in matrimonial matters because in any horoscope we can get complete information related to marriage related matters by checking the position of planets.

Astrology is based on the concept of previous birth. The position of the planets in our horoscope in this birth is based on the good and bad deeds we do in our previous births. The seventh house in any horoscope is the main house related to marriage. This house shows the happiness and sorrow of marriage, the qualities and characteristics of the life partner. Apart from the seventh house in matrimonial matters, the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth house also play a very important role. The second, fourth, eighth and twelfth house of the horoscope is directly or indirectly related to our marriage and marital happiness. The second house gives information related to our family and family.

After marriage, our spouse becomes an integral part of our family and with the addition of a life partner, there is an increase of an additional member in our family, so the second house is considered prominently while investigating matrimonial matters. The fourth house is related to our domestic and family happiness, so it is an important house to get information about marital matters. The eighth house is related to the age of marriage i.e. auspiciousness or good fortune and the twelfth house is associated with sleeping happiness, so to get complete information about the marital happiness and sorrow of any person, the seventh house, eighth, second, fourth and twelfth house and these houses It is very important to check the strength of the owners.

In any horoscope, when the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth house is in a weak or weak state in addition to the seventh house, then there can be delay in marriage. According to astrology, the planets Jupiter and Venus are the factors of marriage. Jupiter for women and Venus for men plays an important role in marriage related matters. Venus is also the causative planet of love, pleasure, romance, sexual relations and marital happiness, so weak position of Jupiter and Venus in any horoscope can cause delay in marriage. In any horoscope, when the second, fourth, seventh, eighth, twelfth house and the lord of these houses and Jupiter and Venus are in weak or afflicted state, then there may be delay in the marriage of the person.

If your marriage is getting delayed or you want to get any astrological consultation related to your marriage then you can contact us.

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