Kundali Milan

Why is Kundali Milan Necessary for Marriage? Here’s An Astrology Guide!  

Kundali Milan may sound orthodox procedure for many youngsters aspiring for marriage. But here we suggest to our readers that Kundali Milan is the foremost step to ensure a successful, happy marriage! A happy marriage requires a compatible and understanding partner. To your surprise, only Kundali Milan or Kundali Matching helps you find one! How? Read to know

Kundali Matching is Important for Marriage

The ancient wisdom of Astrology is an age-proven science that has helped people since immemorial. Astrology consultations on various life aspects have enriched innumerable lives. Marriage astrology can undoubtedly make your dream of a happy marriage come true.

Kundali matching is compulsory for marriage as it checks the compatibility between partners for successful bonding and togetherness. Kundali matching involves checking the kundali based on the Ashtkoota Milan system, where the prospective partners are analyzed for nature, character, sex, mindset and overall compatibility. Vedic astrology has a well-defined system that narrates whether two people can live happily together. The kundali Milan is a 36-point score system where a couple attaining more than 18 points is permitted to marry.

Significance of the number of matched Gunas

In the birth chart analysis, the number of matched Gunas refers to the compatibility score between two individuals in a potential marriage or partnership. This score is calculated based on aligning certain astrological factors known as Gunas.

The Gunas are qualities or attributes that are believed to influence the compatibility and harmony between two individuals. They are derived from the positions of the Moon in the birth charts of the individuals involved. The Gunas are categorized as follows:

Varna (1 point): This Guna represents the spiritual compatibility between the two individuals.

Vashya (2 points): This Guna signifies the level of attraction and influences one person has over the other.

Tara (3 points): This Guna reflects the relationship’s health, well-being, and longevity.

Yoni (4 points): This Guna represents the sexual compatibility and intimacy between the partners.

Graha Maitri (5 points): This Guna reflects the mental and intellectual compatibility between the two individuals.

Gana (6 points): This Guna represents the temperament and nature of the partners.

Bhakoot (7 points): This Guna indicates the compatibility of the emotional and spiritual aspects of the relationship.

Nadi (8 points): This Guna represents the biological compatibility and potential health issues that may arise in the relationship.

In Kundali Matching for Marriage, each Guna is assigned a specific number of points, and the total number of matched Gunas determines the overall compatibility score. Traditionally, a minimum of 18 Gunas out of 36 is considered favourable for a successful and harmonious partnership. Higher scores indicate a greater level of compatibility.

It’s important to note that while Gunas are considered in determining compatibility, they are not the sole factor. The best astrologer in Bangalore goes beyond the Ashtkoota score and checks the birth charts at a deeper level. The nakshatras play an equally significant role, and sometimes a proposal with a good score is rejected while the one with a low score is accepted.

Is Kundali Matching Necessary For Love Marriage?

While astrological services in Chennai say that Kundali matching is traditionally associated with arranged marriages, some individuals may choose to use it to assess compatibility in love marriages as well. Here are a few ways in which Kundali matching can potentially help in love marriages:

Understanding Astrological Compatibility: Kundali matching analyzes the birth charts of both individuals to determine the alignment of astrological factors. It can provide insights into temperament, character traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential conflict areas. By understanding these factors, couples can better understand each other and make informed decisions about their relationship.

Identifying Potential Challenges: Astrological services in Mumbai suggest that Kundali matching can highlight potential challenges or areas of mismatch between the partners. It may indicate areas where adjustments, compromises, or extra effort may be needed to maintain harmony in the relationship. Being aware of these potential challenges can help couples proactively address them and work towards building a stronger foundation.

Compatibility Validation: Love marriages often rely on emotional compatibility and personal connection. Kundali matching can serve as an additional validation of compatibility. It provides an opportunity to assess whether the individuals’ astrological factors are aligned, which can add a sense of reassurance to the relationship.

Family Acceptance: In some cases, Kundali matching can play a role in gaining acceptance from families who prioritize astrological compatibility. By undergoing Kundali matching and showing that the astrological factors are well-matched, couples can alleviate concerns or objections from family members who place importance on traditional practices.