When Will I Get Married and With Whom

When Will Get Married and with Whom

According to Hindu culture, marriage is a sacred bond. Getting married is the most beautiful moment in life. Through marriage, we connect with such a person in our life, with whom we have a relation not only from this birth but also for many births. The loneliness of our life goes away after the arrival of a life partner after marriage. After getting married, a new inning begins in a person’s life. After marriage, we get such a life partner with whom we can share all our happiness and sorrows. In this way, marriage is not only a social tradition but a union of two souls. Everyone wants to be associated with this love-filled relationship, so on reaching the marriageable age, most of the people start thinking of marriage. Vedic astrology can play an important role to know when will get married and the nature and personality of the future life partner.

Let us know when will be you married according to Vedic astrology and how will be your life partner:

According to Vedic astrology, the second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house of birth chart is related to marriage. The most important of all these houses is the seventh house.

Family and domestic happiness are considered from the second and fourth house, marital happiness and coordination with the spouse from the seventh house, the age of marriage from the eighth house i.e. good luck and sleep happiness from the twelfth house.

Guru and Venus also have a very important role in the matter of marriage because both these planets are considered to be the factors of marriage.

In the horoscope of a boy, his life partner is considered from the seventh house, lord of the seventh house and Venus, while in the horoscope of a girl, her husband is considered from the position of the seventh house in Kundli, lord of the seventh house and Jupiter.

Let us know what kind of life partner is obtained when other planets influence the seventh house and seventh lord:

  • Due to the influence of the Sun on the seventh house and the seventh lord, the life partner is virtuous, fierce, disciplined, leading a royal life and a big thinking person.
  • Due to Moon’s effect on the seventh house and seventh lord, the life partner is beautiful, artistic, fickle, emotional, soft-natured, unstable in mind and attitude and fond of traveling.
  • Due to the influence of Mars on the seventh house and seventh lord, the life partner is grumpy, stubborn, courageous, domineering, fearless and has a fiery nature.
  • Due to the effect of Mercury in seventh house and seventh lord, the life partner is intelligent, clever, talkative, educated, scholar, looks younger than his actual age and has fickle attitude.
  • Due to Jupiter’s influence on the seventh house and seventh lord, the future life partner is educated, satvik, fat, religious, spiritual, philanthropic, having good qualities and nature and of gentle nature.
  • Due to the effect of Venus on seventh house and seventh lord, the life partner becomes artistic, beautiful, attractive, art lover, romantic, wealthy.
  • Due to the influence of Saturn on the seventh house and seventh lord, the life partner becomes introverted, serious, deep-minded, hardworking, hardworking, patient, tolerant.

Now let’s talk about in which period you can get married?

  • You can get married when Dasha/Antardasha of Saptamesh, Dwitiyesh, Chaturthesh, Ashtamesh and Dwadashesh comes.
  • You can get married in the Dasha/Antardasha of Venus or Jupiter.
  • You can get married in the Dasha/Antardasha of the planets that make conjunction or vision with Venus or Jupiter.
  • You may get married in the Dasha/Antardasha of the planets situated in the seventh house or affecting the seventh house.
  • Auspicious transit of Shani, Guru and Venus along with proper Mahadasha/Antardasha and feelings related to marriage can get you married.

If you want to know more about marriage prediction then download our Karma Astro App available in Android and iOS at play store.