What to do for Mangal Dosha

What to do for Mangal Dosha

Because it is propagated like that, and I even blame fellow astrologers for this. Then the most relevant question is: what is Mangal Dosha: what to do if a person has Mangal Dosha? What is Mangal Dosha You search about Manglik dosha, and you find people saying: Mangal in six houses give Mangal Dosha i.e. the…

What is Mangal Dosha

What is Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha, one of Vedic Astrology’s most debatable words, has probably become a scapegoat or easy to blame for many. The words Manglik Dosha, Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha are looming large and play heavy in marriage-related matters, especially for females in India. Anyone facing delay in marriage, facing issues in married life, and one finds…